Should I go solo or hire a Wedding Planner?

Is there a better topic to kick off our blog?
I don’t think so. Scroll through any wedding forum and it’s likely you’ll see this question come up again and again, particularly when it comes to destination weddings as the distance from your wedding venue and fear of language barriers often makes people nervous.
Of course the answer to this question is subjective, but having worked as a Wedding Planner, a Wedding Day Coordinator (arghh never again!), and now being an independent supplier I see both sides of the coin on a daily basis.
I salute you talented men and women who plan a Wedding without the support of a Planner, you folk are exceptional, and I also suspect you have the support of friends and family who love to chip in. This is such a beautiful thing, when elements of a wedding day are put together by all those that love you. That’s epic.
For those that say a Wedding Planner is a waste of money though I have to disagree, I will defend Wedding Planner’s to the hilt having worked 19 hour shifts on event days, and on non event days spent all my waking hours at meetings and answering emails. When I say answering emails I don’t mean a couple a day asking important questions re timings and table plans. I mean around thirty a day, some emails consisting of questions like “where can we stock up on baked beans?” and “does cows milk taste the same in Portugal as it does in the UK?”. Yes. Both true examples I kid you not.
Still think a Wedding Planner doesn’t work hard for their pay? We once got asked to go up a bride’s dress with baby wipes to freshen up her sweaty thighs. We said no to that request, you have to draw the line somewhere right?
A huge factor in this decision is also dependent on the Wedding Venue that you choose. If you go with a hotel it’s likely that they have an awesome events team to support you, if you go with a private villa a Wedding Planner is invaluable if you want the day to flow seamlessly.
A tip for you villa folk, put a plank of wood in front of that gate sensor on the Wedding Day, so you don’t have to send people to go and let guests in every fifteen minutes.
If you do go with a Planner do your research, there are Wedding Planning Teams made up of a number of experienced professionals which may suit a lot of couples, and there are also smaller companies offering a more personal experience. Either way don’t forget your Wedding Planner is there to support you, it’s your Wedding. At the end of the day listen to their advice they’re the experts but make sure you get exactly what you want, within reason of course try and hop down off that cloud.
For example, if your Planner tells you not to have a cake made up of 60 ice creams in the middle of a very hot August, or not to have a morning Wedding Ceremony when you have nine bridesmaids to put through hair and makeup then listen. Yes both were advised against, both brides ignored our advice, and both were pretttttty stressful days!
Other elements we’re behind you all the way and the experts should be too, insist on the suppliers you love and the wedding style you have your heart set on, I witnessed a bride that hated pink flinch every time she looked at the pink roses and pink ribbons that had been tied round her napkins by the venue coordinator, if it’s something that really bothers you speak up.
That goes for family too, as much as you love them don’t be pushed into a Church ceremony just to please Grandma or karaoke at the reception so your sister gets her moment in the spotlight. Not that sisters on the microphone is always a bad thing, the rap written and performed by the sisters of our bride Carly will forever be one of the greatest wedding moments we witnessed – not quite in the league of Eminem or Method Man, but the girls did good!
If you do go solo make sure you give all suppliers a detailed schedule ahead of the day so you don’t need to be answering questions when you should be sipping champagne. Also nominate someone close to you to be the point of contact for your Wedding Vendors, bossy is preferable, army types also a plus.
At the end of the day though, we say it again and again, the most relaxed couples have the best days, don’t stress over the small stuff. If at the end of the day you’re married, had a lot of laughs, and shared a lot of love then you nailed it.
When it’s all over we wish you luck getting over the wedding planning blues. Mr Ben and Mr Jerry may be your new best friends until you’ve found something else to keep that Pinterest addiction happy.
Top Tip
If you are looking into an Algarve Wedding take a look at the Facebook Forums Portugal’s Best Wedding Chat Room and Help I’m Getting Married in Portugal!